What is Zirconium Therapy?
Aesthetic zirconium dental applications and zirconium material coating solutions are one of the treatments closest to tooth color. Zirconium Dental Veneer has become a very popular and preferred treatment method, especially thanks to the increase in technology standards. Especially thanks to our expert team in the field of Antalya Zirconium Coating, our foreign and domestic guests are carefully welcomed and the necessary treatment is applied.
Zirconum oxide is a durable porcelain. Zirconia ceramics are used for aesthetic patients. This is to provide a more natural appearance than traditional metal-backed ceramic systems. It is suitable for tooth supported crown bridge prostheses and implant crown bridge prostheses.
Features of Zirconium Plating Treatment
Their appearance is natural.
They are very durable.
It is difficult to break and crack.
It is resistant to abrasion.
Resistant to oxidation.
Because of their translucent properties, they give the most harmonious color to real teeth as they pass light directly.
They are easily shaped and can be easily bleached.
They do not contain metal
They are long-lived. It is safe to remain in the mouth for years.
They are not sensitive to pain in hot and cold foods, on the contrary, they are resistant.
High-Level Quality Standards in Zirconium Dental Work
Antalya zirconium dental veneer method is preferred by most people recently. However, people who will have zirconium crowns ask many questions about how it is done. A small treatment will be applied after the person comes to our dentists who will have the veneer done. The teeth to be covered with zirconium are determined by our Specialist Dentists as a result of this treatment. Then, dental photos of the patient are taken. Each step to be done is explained to the patient as preliminary information and if the patient deems it appropriate, applications for zirconium coating begin.
• Anesthesia is applied to the patient so that he or she does not feel pain during the treatment.
• The teeth to be treated are measured and reduced to the required amount.
• Temporary dentures are attached to replace the reduced teeth.
• Tooth color selection is made together with the patient.
• Measured teeth are prepared in 5-7 days and dentures are removed and glued in place. However, this process is very important. It requires a lot of precision and as a result of a small mistake, the zirconium coating will be wasted.
• Post-treatment care recommendations are made and regular follow-ups are made under the control of a doctor.
Competent and Specialized Services in Zirconium Plating
Antalya Zirconium Dentures treatments are the most preferred brand in, we do not only provide services in this field. We offer you the best missions with our professional staff of Antalya Dentistry in many grounds.