What is the Process of Teeth Whitening (Bleaching)?
Decontamination (Bleaching) is permanent on average among 6 months and two years, although there are factors that change this period from person to person. In no case can the teeth return to their former color. Constant consumption of caffeine, tobacco products, and alcoholic beverages, as well as harmful eating habits, can lead to the loss of this whiteness. 6 Months after the Teeth whitening procedure is performed, it is examined again to see if a second procedure is required, and if necessary, dental stone cleaning, polishing, and whitening can be applied again.
Is Teeth Whitening (Bleaching) Treatment Permanent?
Decontamination (Bleaching) is permanent on average among 6 months and two years, although there are factors that change this period from person to person. In no case can the teeth return to their former color. Constant consumption of caffeine, tobacco products, and alcoholic beverages, as well as harmful eating habits, can lead to the loss of this whiteness. 6 Months after the Teeth whitening procedure is performed, it is examined again to see if a second procedure is required, and if necessary, dental stone cleaning, polishing, and whitening can be applied again.
Methods of Teeth Whitening (Bleaching)
Teeth whitening methods are divided into two different main groups. The patient’s dental structure, gum health, tooth color at that moment and the doctor’s opinion are determined. One of these methods is Office Type whitening, and the other is Home Environment whitening.
1. Office Type Teeth Whitening (Office Bleaching): Bleaching is a treatment method performed using a laser and a whitening gel. In this technique, which is one of the most reliable, fastest and most effective Bleaching methods, 3-4 tones burst forth according to the patient’s tooth color within about 1 hour.
2. Home Teeth Whitening (Home Bleaching): In the home teeth whitening system, which we call a home type, a transparent plate is created that is suitable for the patient by defining the color and measurements are made on the patient before treatment. Whitening agents containing a lower percentage of “carbamide peroxide” are used for teeth whitening at home. The patient gives the patient a ready-made transparent sheet and tubes containing the whitening agent, and the doctor explains how to apply it to the teeth. Patients administered the medication as recommended by their dentist twice a day for two weeks or only at night while sleeping for 12 weeks. With weekly health checks, the treatment process are monitored and the necessary changes are made. The dentist and the patient should decide together which whitening method to use for the patient.
Antalya teeth whitening is the most preferred brand for treatments, we not only provide services in this field. We offer you the best
Missions in many fields with our professional staff in Antalya Dentistry sediment.