What is Periodontology?
Periodontology defined as the science of dealing with and treating diseases that occur in the tissues surrounding the teeth, that is , in the gums and bones around the tooth roots. Persons who have completed their doctorate education in this field and received their expertise are called Periodontists. In Greek, fairy means environment, onto-tooth, logos-science. It is combination of these three words that give periodontology the meaning of “Science of Environmental Tissues”.
Periodontal Diseases
If the inflammation only affects the soft tissues, namely the gums, it is called gingivitis. However, as this inflammation progresses and spreads to the underlying bone tissues, it causes bone destruction. At this stage, the disease is called periodontitis. All of these are called periodontal diseases.
Periodontal diseases are largely preventable and controllable. For this, the efforts of the dentist alone are not enough. Patients should participate in the treatment process with adequate and effective oral and gingival care. Since the base cause of this disease is bacteria. Bacteria can reach enormous numbers in people who do not have good oral care. Bacterial communities consist of bacteria that we call bacterial plaque, which is formed in a mixture that accumulates at the junction of our teeth and gums, multiplies by eating leftover food, and produces acid.
Periodontal Tissues
The cementum forms the outermost layer of the root of the tooth.
-Bone tissue (Alveolar bone) forms around the root part of the tooth.
-Fiber group (Periodontalligament) acts as a connection between the root part of the tooth and the bone.
Our teeth are located deep in the jaw in the bony part called the alveolar ridge. However, the teeth are not directly attached to the bone. There is soft fibrous tissue lying between the alveolar bone and the root surface. This tissue is called the “periodontal ligament” and acts as a shock absorber in cars and allows the functional forces on the teeth to be transmitted to the jawbone, softening them. These structures are covered by the gums and oral mucosa. All of this tissue surrounding the tooth is called “periodontal tissue”.
Dental Health and Personalized Service with Our Professional Team
With its professional work and team, our dental clinic offers periodontology services in Antalya, which is branded in its field. As the most accessible clinic for gingival recession, the comfort, and trust of our patients is our number 1 priority. In our clinic;
• Our team with many years of successful experience in the sector
• The equipment we use technology has become the most beneficial and effective by taking advantage of the leading opportunities of technology.
• Our international accessibility and our personal-oriented worthy service understanding.
• We perform the most successful operations with our professional dental team.
Antalya Periodontology is the most preferred brand in Periodontology (Gingival Recession) treatments, we do not only serve in this field. We offer you the best services with our professional staff in Antalya Dentistry in many areas.